Knowing how to behave at meals isn't just about proper etiquette. Turns out, your table manners send coded messages about you ...
While the letter writer's grandparents expected you to lick your plate clean, that doesn't mean it was mannerly.
Further, they include table manners in this nasty sport. Lamentation over “which fork to use” is still cited as a trap, although it has been more than a century since highly specialized ...
GENTLE READER: Your confidence that you are not required to reciprocate in your apartment, though technically correct, ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Because of a chronic illness, I have to go to a clinic in an urban setting three to four times per week.
Further, they include table manners in this nasty sport. Lamentation over “which fork to use” is still cited as a trap, although it has been more than a century since highly specialized ...
Should you still wish to go to dinner at your cousin’s, you might ask her just beforehand whether she has had time to prepare, because if not, you will spare her the rush and go another time. It will ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My wife and I were meeting another couple at a restaurant for dinner, and we arrived 15 minutes before our ...
Further, they include table manners in this nasty sport. Lamentation over “which fork to use” is still cited as a trap, although it has been more than a century since highly specialized ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the proper way to eat cherries with pits? Cutting them up to remove the pits seems excessive, but just spitting out the pits into a napkin doesn’t seem proper ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a number of friends I regularly meet for meals out, as well as for friends’ birthdays. We’ve been friends for going on 40 years and first began socializing after ...