Now that we know the dog is going, we want to bow out of the engagement but would prefer to do it in the least hurtful way.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: As a 12-year-old, I wear makeup, but my grandfather thinks differently: He thinks the appropriate age to start wearing makeup is 16. I think that is just preposterous!
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I just learned that ... But surely the gathering of a family is a fine opportunity to spread good news.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: We have some friends who live eight hours away, and they have been after us for the past few years to visit. A few weeks ago, we made the drive to see them and stayed two nights.
Dear Miss Manners: I have a good friend who is the polar opposite of me on politics, religion and almost every other subject.
Miss Manners suggests a compromise, but only for your more intimate friends: Ask one or two of them to keep you company while ...
When I had my hair done, the stylist and her assistant spent the entire time talking over my head. There was no way I could ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin shares how to politely not invite someone to a gathering.
GENTLE READER: Funny. Miss Manners is more accustomed to being asked how to stay out of beauty salon conversations, not how ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin tells a reader what to do when there is good news to be shared ...
I am hesitant to just share the news with no lead-in, since one friend was somewhat taken aback when I completely sprung it ...
No one likes bad manners. Woe-be-tied the person who chastises the offender. That would be bad manners. You can’t win. Respect, civility, rudeness and bad manners have become common on TV, on social ...