At Fujitsu Cyber Security Services, we take a pragmatic approach, prioritising our people and their expertise to deliver exceptional service. Introducing a suite of services and capabilities ...
Fujitsu’s vision is to create a prosperous, sustainable future, and we have made it our global mission to help create a “Human Centric Intelligent Society”. That is, to harness the power of technology ...
As we approach 2030, the intersection of sustainability and business growth is no longer a trade-off but something that needs to work in harmony. Join us as we explore how Asia Pacific leaders like ...
Business Application Services help organizations to address key digital transformation challenges by leveraging a co-creation approach and our Connected Ecosystem. Whether you want to focus on a ...
Business Application Services help organizations to address key digital transformation challenges by leveraging a co-creation approach and our Connected Ecosystem. Whether you want to focus on a ...
Launch of IOWN Network Solution for 400Gbps High-Speed Inter-Data Center Connections that Reduces Construction and Operation Costs by 50%, and power consumption by 40% ~ Integration of technology of ...
The way we work and live is fast changing. Digital technology continues to accelerate and help organizations reimagine the way they operate. It is now time to shift and build a better workplace for ...
IPCOM製品のSSLアクセラレータ/SSL-VPN機能において、処理時間の相違に起因する情報漏洩の脆弱性が存在します。 詳細は ...
認証操作や動作を意識することのない、新たな認証技術 常時認証技術とはどのような技術ですか。 内田:常時認証技術は、生体認証による本人確認結果をカメラで撮影された人物と紐 ...
エネルギー消費の削減は、企業がもはや避けられない温暖化対策です。特に、電気代がコストの大部分を占める企業にとっては、喫緊の課題です。そうした中、あらゆるモノがネットと ...
-市制100周年を迎えた「川崎市」と、社会課題解決に向けた共創事業への挑戦- 富士通は、社会課題解決を起点とし、まちをより持続可能にしていくために、市民・行政・企業・スポーツ ...
400Gbps 高速データセンタ間接続と構築運用コスト 50 %削減・電力消費量 40% 削減を実現する IOWN ネットワークソリューションの提供開始 ~NTTのIOWN技術と米国の先端ソフトウェア企業IP Infusion ...