Pope Francis called on the world's Catholic cardinals, many of whom live in Rome and lead Vatican offices, to pursue a "zero ...
Pope Francis has approved a Catholic spiritual devotion centred in Medjugorje, a town in Bosnia that has been steeped in ...
After decades, and controversy, the Vatican has authorized public worship at a shrine in Bosnia, where a once tranquil ...
The Vatican prosecutor has opened a new investigation into the alleged leak of information about its “trial of the century” ...
COMMENTARY: The Holy Father’s recent nod to the late Jesuit Father Pedro Arrupe, the controversial Father General of his ...
After penning a letter to the world’s cardinals asking them to focus on financial reform, urging spending cuts and ...
"Additional effort is now needed on everyone's part so that a 'zero deficit' may not only be a theoretically, but effectively ...
In a talk to leaders of popular grassroots movements, Pope Francis said, “It is often precisely the wealthiest who oppose the ...
At the international “Symposium Man-Woman: Image of God. Towards an Anthropology of Vocations,” held at the Vatican March 1-3 ...
While it offers no definitive judgment on the supernatural authenticity of the alleged apparitions, the Vatican’s report ...
Pope Francis and the Catholic Church on plans for the second and final session of the Vatican Synod on Synodality.
The Holy Father insisted it is neither “possible nor tolerable” to forget the damage done to the dignity of millions of men ...