歐洲研究證實,有習慣喝塑膠瓶裝水的民眾,長期有塑膠微粒進入血液,容易導致血壓飆高,建議要少喝瓶裝水。國內專家也提醒,喝瓶裝水,的確多多少少有塑膠微粒溶出的疑慮,好比轉開瓶蓋的時候,因為摩擦生熱,也 ...
Netflix 影集《航海王》真人版第 2 季正在製作中,官方今(20)正式宣布兩名重要角色「Mr.0」克洛克達爾、「Miss All Sunday」妮可羅賓的演員,將由美國演員 Joe Manganiello 與俄羅斯演員 Lera Abova ...
Donald Trump said that “the Jewish people” would be partially to blame if he loses in November, escalating his persistent ...
南部中心/綜合報導高市刑大在高雄一處大樓,一舉破獲高姓兄弟等8人所組販毒集團,他們將大量的毒品咖啡包,通通藏在洗衣機內,來躲避警察機關查緝,現場還有俗稱殭屍菸彈的電子煙油,以及愷他命等等,全案依法送辦。警方攻堅進入屋內,打開房門時嫌犯仍呼呼大睡。(圖 ...
Oprah Winfrey hosted a livestream event with Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris in metro Detroit Thursday.
The Democratic presidential nominee said she can support both the Second Amendment and commonsense gun reform.
Vice President Kamala Harris told Oprah Winfrey Thursday that any intruder who breaks into her home is "getting shot" in what ...
District Judge Kevin Mullins was shot inside the Letcher County Courthouse. Kentucky State Auditor of Public Accounts Allison ...
"I really haven't been treated well," Trump said during a speech ostensibly devoted to fighting anti-Semitism.
Media mogul Oprah Winfrey will be in Michigan tonight to host a livestream event with Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
趕在 iPhone 16 正式被送到消費者手上的前一刻,蘋果推出了 iOS 18.1 公測 beta,讓看重 Apple Intelligence 的人至少可以有個嚐鮮最新 AI ...
North Carolina Lt.t Gov. Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor in that state, denied the accusations put forth ...